Experiential Higher Institute of Science and Technology (EXHIST)


Nom de l’institution : Experiential Higher Institute of Science and Technology (EXHIST)
Nom du promoteur : M NGANG Nelson NCHE
Région : CENTRE/ NORTH WEST(Annexe)
Département : Mfoundi, Yaoundé VI
Arrondissement : Yaoundé VI/ Bamenda II (Annexe)
Site de localisation : Entre collège Ebanda, Biyem-Assi, Yaoundé / Below Linguistic Centre, Old Town Bamenda (Annexe)
Adresse postale : BP 6352, Yaoundé
Téléphone : 679 36 79 14 / 660 66 54 75
Email : info@exhistuniversity.com
Site web : www.exhistuniversity.com
Adresse dans les réseaux sociaux : Facebook (Experiential Higher Institute of Science and Technology) et Instagram (Experiential Higher Institute of Science and Technology)


Autorisation spéciale de création et d’ouverture :

  • N°23-02790/N/MINESUP/SG/DDES/ESUP/SDA/MF du 28 mars 2023
  • N°22-01959/N/MINESUP/SG/DDES/ESUP/SDA/MF du 04 avril 2022
  • N°20-07251/L/MINESUP/SG/DDES/ESUP/SDA/MF du 06 octobre 2020


Diplôme : HND

Field : MEDICAL AND BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES   ;   Specialties : Nursing, Medical Laboratory Sciences, Midwifery, Nutrition and Dietetics, Pharmacy Technicians, Physiotherapy, Health Care Management, Medical Imaging Technology.
Field : COMPUTER ENGINEERING  ;   Specialties : Computer Graphics and web Design, E- Commerce and Digital Marketing; Option Software Engineering; Industrial computing and automation, Computer maintenance Hardware Maintenance, Electrical Power Systems, Computer Science and Network (Computer Science and Network, Network and Cyber Security.
Field : BUSINESS AND FINANCE   ;   Specialties : Accountancy, Marketing-Trade-Sale, Banking and Finance, International Trade, Microfinance, Insurance
Field : MANAGEMENT  ;  Specialties : Assistant Manager, Management of NGOs, Project Management, Human Resource, Management, Logistics and Transport Management.
Field : SCHOOL OF EDUCATION  ;   Specialities : Didactics, Curriculum Development and Teaching, Education Management and Administration, Special Education, Distance and Continuing Education, Vocational Guidance and Counseling
Field : TOURISM, FASHION, DESIGN AND CULINARY ARTS;   Specialties : Bakery and food Processing, Fashion Clothing and Textiles, Beauty Aesthetics, Tourism and Travel Agency Management, Hotel Management and Catering
Field : LEGAL CAREERS ;  Specialties : Legal Assistant.


Field : MEDICAL AND BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES  ;   Specialties : Nursing, Medical Laboratory Sciences, Midwifery, Pharmacy Technology, Health Care Management, Geriatric Nursing, Pediatric Nursing, Theatre Nursing, Mental Health, Nursing Administration and Managementtware Engineering – Computer Science – Data Base Management


Field : MEDICAL AND BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES ;  Specialties : Public Health(Epidemiology, community Health) Midwifery (Reproductive Health) Nursing (Intensive Care Nursing, Nursing Anesthesia, Health Care Management, Medical-Surgical Nursing) Pharmacology and Toxicology, Medical Microbiology and Parasitology, Chemical Pathology, Medical virology and Immunology