
Communiqué Radio/Presse

Le Ministre d’Etat, Ministre de l’Enseignement Supérieur, Chancelier des Ordres académiques, informe les étudiants intéressés et le public en général que le Centre Européen pour le Leadership et l’Education Entrepreneuriale (ECLEE), en collaboration avec ses partenaires Européens et Américains, offre 10 000 bourses de formation à travers le programme COVID 19-Africa.
Cette offre destinée aux salariés ou chercheurs d’emploi, s’effectuera sous la forme d’une formation en ligne en Anglais et/ou Français à travers le programme e-Learning pour une durée comprise entre 2 et 8 semaines.
Toutes les informations concernant les conditions d’éligibilité et les frais y afférents sont disponibles sur le site web de ECLEE : ou écrire à l’adresse mail :      Télécharger le communiqué

Radio / Press release

The Minister of State, Minister of Higher Education, Chancellor of Academic Orders, informs intersted students and the general public that the European Center for Leadership and Entrepreneurial Education (ECLEE) in collaboration with its European and American partners, offers 10 000 scholarships for training through the COVID 19-Africa Program.
This offer is intended for workers or job seekers. This training will be carried out online in English and/or French through the e-Learning program for period of between 2 to 8 weeks.
All information concerning the conditions of eligibility and the related costs are available on the ECLEE website: or write to the email address:    Download the Press release

Programme d’appui à la mobilité académique, édition 2020 / 2020 edition of the Academic Mobility Support Program

Dans le cadre de la mise en œuvre de la politique d’aide et de soutien aux membres de la communauté universitaire nationale, Monsieur le Ministre d’Etat, Ministre de l’Enseignement Supérieur, informe les enseignants et étudiants chercheurs des Universités du Cameroun, que son Département ministériel met à leur disposition, des aides  pouvant leur permettre de finaliser et de publier leurs travaux de recherche au Cameroun ou à l’étranger, dans le cadre du Programme d’appui à la mobilité académique, édition 2020.
Ces appuis des pouvoirs publics participent de la constante sollicitude du Chef de l’Etat, Son Excellence Paul BIYA, et de sa volonté de continuer d’améliorer les conditions de travail des membres de la communauté universitaire, afin de faire rayonner la recherche universitaire.  Télécharger le Communiqué ;    Télécharger la Fiche

Within the framework of the 2020 edition of the Academic Mobility Support Program, the Minister of State, Minister of Higher Education informs the teachers and student-researchers of the Cameroonian universities that his Ministry is offering the scholarships that may enable them to finalize and publish their research work in Cameroon or abroad.
Indeed, this assistance from the Government is in line with the constant concern of the Head of State, His Excellency Paul BIYA, and his desire to continue to improve working conditions of members of university community in order to give influence ta university research.    Download the Press Release    ;   Download the Formular

Communiqué Radio-Presse / Press Release

Le Ministre d’Etat, Ministre de l’Enseignement Supérieur communique :
La République d’Autriche met à la disposition des étudiants et chercheurs camerounais des programmes de formation suivants:

  • Bourse « Franz Werfel »;
  • Bourse « Richard Plaschka »;
  • Bourse « Ernst Mach »;
  • Bourse « Ernst Mach » pour les études dans une haute école spécialisée;
  • Subvention de suivi « Ernst Mach ».

Toutes les informations complémentaires sont disponibles dans le site web   Télécharger le Communiqué

Communiqué Radio-Presse / Internal Communique

Communiqué Radio-Presse / Internal Communique

Le Ministre d’Etat, Ministre de l’Enseignement Supérieur annonce :

La République Populaire de Chine met à la disposition du Gouvernement camerounais pour le compte de l’année académique 2020-2021, une offre de 34 bourses pour des études universitaires (Licence) et post-universitaires (Master et Doctorat).

The Minister of State, Minister of Higher Education announces to the general public and prospective applicants that the government of the People’s Republic of China is offering 34 scholarships for the 2020/2021 academic year for first cycle university studies, Master’s and Doctorate levels. Download the press release

Commonwealth Scholarship 2019

Commonwealth Scholarship 2019

The Minister of State, Minister of Higher Education announces to the general public and prospective applicants that the Commonwealth Scholarship Commission (CSC) in the United Kingdom is offering 27 postgraduate scholarships under the Commonwealth Scholarship and Fellowship Plan in the United Kingdom tenable from October 2020.
The scholarship is offered under six (06) themes (dornains):
– Science and technology for development ;
– Strengthening health systems and capacity ;
– Promoting global prosperity ;
– Strengthening global peace, security and governance ;
– Strengthening resilience and response to crises ;
– Access, inclusion and opportunity.
The awards may be in any of the following categories :
– One year taught Master’s at an eligible UK institution;
– Three years doctorate programme.

Download the release

Press release : Mandela Washington Fellowship for Young African Leaders

Press release : Mandela Washington Fellowship for Young African Leaders

The Minister of State, Minister of Higher Education announces to the general public and prospective applicants that the 2020 Mandela Washington Fellowship for Young African Leaders is open between 12 September and 09 October 2019.
This programme that is sponsored by the U.S. Department of State is aimed at bringing young leaders to the United States in 2020 for academic and leadership training and to create unique opportunities in Africa to put those new skills to practical use in propelling economic growth and prosperity.
Eligibility Criteria:
– Be a citizen of and resident ln a sub-saharan country;
– Be between 25 and 35 years old at the time of application submission;
– Must not be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident of the United States;
– Be eligible to receive a United States J-1 visa;
– Should not be an employee or immediate family members of employees of the U.S.
– Be proficient in reading, writing and speaking English;
– Not be an Alumni of the Mandela Washington Fellowship.
All applications must be submitted online by October 09, 2019. For the application and more information, candidates should visit: or contact the U.S Embassy in Yaounde at 222-201-500.     Download the press release

Scholarships for medical specialization of the People’s Republic of China

Scholarships for medical specialization of the People’s Republic of China

The Minister of State, Minister of Higher Education announces to the general public and prospective applicants that the Chinese Medical Doctors’ Association, under the government of the People’s Republic of China is offering scholarships for medical specialization in thirteen (13) training domains.
The award is open for the following domains; Prevention and Treatment of Venous Thromboembolism (3-6 months); Management of Neonatal Mechanical Ventilation (6 months); Management of Neonatal Parental Nutrition (6 months); Standardized Diagnosis and Treatment of Thyroid Tumors (6 months); Standardized Diagnosis and Treatment of Hernia and Abdominal Wall Surgery (6 months); Caudal Block Anesthesia Techniques in Children (3 months); Management of Laryngeal Mask Airway in Children (3 months); Diagnosis and Treatment of Cataract (6 months); Diagnosis and Treatment of Glaucoma (6 months); Continuing Education in Cardiology (1 year); Continuing Education in Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine (1 year); Continuing Education in Ultrasonic Medicine (6 months); Fellowship Education in General Surgery (2 years).
– Be of Cameroonian nationality;
– Must have obtained an academic diploma in any recognized medical college and have been a medical practitioner.
– Must have a minimum of 3 years professional experience in the following medical fields: pediatricsjneonatology, general surgery, hernia treatment and abdominal wall surgery, clinical anesthesia, clinical work in ophthalmology.
– Must have a minimum of 5 years experience in ophthalmology and microsurgery;
– Be an in-service cardiologist with a diploma in cardiovascular medicine with a physician’s Iicense;
– Engaged in clinical work for 3 years or more and hope to study c1inical ultrasound medicine or improve the ability of practicing ultrasound work as a specialist;
– Be in good health with a medical certificate issued by a Chinese medical team (for example the Yaounde or Douala Gynaeco-Obstetric and Pediatrie Hospitals), not more than 3 months old;
– Have a good niasterv of English or Chinese languages;
– Be at most 45 years old;
– Those who have received medical higher education in China are preferred.
Tuition fee, training expenses, accommodation, basic living expenses and comprehensive medical insurance are covered by China. International round-trip tickets are self-funded.
For more information and application procedure, candidates are required to contact the website: or the Chinese Medical Doctors’ Association through lingyun Zhang, Tel: 86-10633135336, e-mail: .

Communiqué de presse bourse du Gouvernement Suisse

Communiqué de presse bourse du Gouvernement Suisse

Le Ministre d’Etat, Ministre de l’Enseignement Supérieur communique :
Le Gouvernement Suisse par l’intermédiaire de la Commission Fédérale des Bourses pour Etudiants Etrangers (CFBE) met à la disposition du Gouvernement Camerounais un certain nombre de bourses d’études post-universitaires au titre de l’année académique 2020/2021.
Ces bourses s’adressent aux étudiants camerounais brillants titulaires d’un Master ou d’un Doctorat avec une moyenne égale ou supérieure à 14/20.
Pour de plus amples informations, les étudiants intéressés par cette offre de bourse sont invités à  visiter  le  site  internet Par ailleurs, le formulaire de candidature en format PDF s’obtient par e-mail auprès de l’Ambassade de Suisse à Yaoundé via l’adresse :
Les dossiers complets en deux  (02)  exemplaires (01  original  et  01 photocopie) doivent être déposés à l’Ambassade de Suisse à Yaoundé au plus tard le 31 octobre 2019, délai de rigueur.                  Télécharger le communiqué

The Minister of State, Minister of Higher Education hereby announces to the general public and prospective applicants that the Swiss Government through the Federal Commission for Scholarships for Foreign Students (CFBE) is offering some post graduate scholarships to the Cameroon Government for the 2020/2021 academic year.
This scholarship is open to Cameroonian students with outstanding performances and holders of Master’s or Doctorate degree with an overall mark of 14/20 at least. This offer is open to all fields of studies.
For detailed information and application procedure, interested applicants are called upon to visit the website: A PDF application form can be obtained from the Swiss Embassy in Yaounde from the following email address:
Complete files in two (02) samples (01 original and 01 photocopy) should be deposited at the Swiss Embassy in Yaounde latest the 31 October 2019.    Press release

Bourse du Gouvernement de la République de Tunisie au titre de l’année académique 2019/2020

Bourse du Gouvernement de la République de Tunisie au titre de l’année académique 2019/2020

Le Ministre de l’Enseignement Supérieur communique :
Le Gouvernement de la République de Tunisie met à la disposition du Gouvernement camerounais, au titre de l’année académique 2019/2020, 26 inscriptions réparties comme suit :
Pour le cycle Universitaire : 07 inscriptions avec bourses et 10 inscriptions à bourses partielles ;
Pour le cycle Post-universitaire : 05 inscriptions avec bourses pour le cycle Master (tourisme) et 04 inscriptions à bourses partielles pour le cycle Master et PhD (tourisme).
Lesdites inscriptions concernent les domaines suivants : Mathématiques, Prothèse dentaire, Informatique de gestion, Tourisme, Cycle préparatoire scientifique ou Cycle préparatoire technique.   Télécharger le communiqué