septembre 20, 2024

Press release

Press release

The Minister of State, Minister of Higher Education, informs the general public and interested students that by decisions n°18230280/MINESUP/UIECC of August 24, 2023, he has authorized KL University (Republic of India) to offer its programs and state-accredited degrees from India at the International School of Digital Engineering of the Inter-State University Congo in Sngmelima (ESIGN).

  • Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) : Artificial Intelligence & Process Automation – Cloud & Security – Data Science – Internet of Things.
  • Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) : Finance Accounting –  Audit – Human Ressources.
  • Master of Business Administration (MBA) : Data Sciences – Digital Markeing – Human Ressources, Finance, Marketing – Logistics & Supply Chain management – Entrepreneurship.   Download th press release


Le Ministre d’Etat, Ministre de l’Enseignement Supérieur informe le grand public et les étudiants intéressés que par décision n°18230280/MINESUP/UIECC du 24 août 2023, il a autorisé KL University (République d’Inde) à délocaliser ses formations et les diplômes accrédités par l’Etat de l’Inde ci-après à l’Ecole Supérieure Internationale de Génie Numérique de l’Université Inter-Etats Congo-Cameroun à Sangmelima (ESIGN) :

  • Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) : Artificial Intelligence & Process Automation – Cloud & Security – Data Science – Internet of Things
  • Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) : Finance Accounting –  Audit – Human Ressources
  • Master of Business Administration (MBA) : Data Sciences – Digital Markeing – Human Ressources, Finance, Marketing – Logistics & Supply Chain management – Entrepreneurship. Télécharger le communiqué
