Payment of the Excellence Grant to Successful Candidates of National Examinations (BTS, HND), 2020-2021 Session
The best laureates of national examinations are being paid since Monday 10 October 2022, at the Accounting Office of the Earmarked Account located on the 10th Floor of the Ministerial Building N°2. Lined up in front of the metal door, each of them is receiving this special gift of the President of the Republic, His Excellency Paul BIYA, as a reward for their efforts. They are the best students of the Brevet de Technicien Supérieur (BTS) and of the Higher National Diploma (HND). They are 2,755 beneficiaries in total.
For this first batch, they are mainly Higher National Diploma (HND) laureates, in possession of the photocopy of university fee receipt payment, that of the National Identity Card and its original. Under the diligence of the Accounting Officer and the team from the Follow-up Unit of the Ministry of Higher Education, the beneficiaries are being paid in turn and are receiving their due. The smile on their faces at the end of the process shows their satisfaction. The process is still going on and will be extended to the Brevet de Technicien Supérieur (BTS) laureates next week. (suite…)