The Construction work of the seat of the Pan African University in Yaounde is progressing suitably

1- 8 833 152 833 f cfa
The future headquarters of the rectorate of the Pan-African University in Yaoundé will include seven levels (a basement, a ground floor and five floors). It will be 28 m high occupy a surface area of 2,825 m2, with 120 rooms intended in particular, for the board of the directors, the senate (senate), the three Vice-Rectors, the secretary General, the PAN-African virtual university etc. The cost building is 8,833,152,883 CFA francs, all taxes included.

2- The commissioner for Education
On a working visist to Cameroon, the African Union Commissioner in charge of Education, Science, Technology and Innovation ( Professor MOHAMED BELHOCINE) visisted, on Friday May 13, 202, the construction site of the future headquarters of the rectotate of the PAN-African university under construction at a place called Nkolmefou, not far from the Minister of state, Minister of Higher Education, a day before, on May 12, 2022.   Download the file

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