Second ordinary session of the ad hoc Technical Commission in charge of operations for the issue of diplomas under the Ministry of Higher Education

The works of the second session of the ad hoc Technical Commission in charge of operations for the issue of diplomas under the Ministry of Higher Education took place this Wednesday 11 May 2022, in the Conference Room of the Higher Teachers’ Training College of Yaounde. Under the thumb of the Minister of State, Minister of Higher Education, Chancellor of Academic Orders, the actors of the sub-sector of Higher Education gathered during this moment of reflection and sharing of experiences were focused on the implementation of optimal strategies for an annual and efficient graduation in the State Universities, and in the Public Institutes of Higher Education with special status under tutelage. These include the National Institute of Youth and Sports (INJS), the National Advanced School of Public Works (ENSTP), the National Advanced School of Posts, Telecommunications and Information and Communication Technologies (SUP’PTIC), and the Limbe Nautical Arts and Fisheries Institute (LINAFI).