Public notice

The Ministre of State, Minister of Higher Education and Chancellor of Academic Orders, informs the national and international public that the Yaoundé-based Centre Régional Africain d’Administration du Travail (CRADAT), an intergovernmental organization for the training of African countries labor administration personnel, is not accredited in Cameroon as an Institution of Higher Education. Therefore CRADAT is not authorized to issue diplomas and to grant grades of higher education.
Consequently, all higher education diplomas (Bachelor’s degree or Licence, Master’s degree or Master, PhD or Doctorat) delivered and signed by the authorities of CRADAT are not recognized by the Ministry of Higher Education.
The Chancellor of the Academic Orders further recalls that the issuance of higher education diplomas is an exclusive prerogative of institutions accredited by the State as Institutions of Higher Education operating under the “homologation regime”. This regime is the higher level of accreditation (on a three-level scale: authorization regime, approval regime, homologation regime) which alone full-fledged University prerogatives. Download the notice