Diligent distribution of the presidential donation of masks to Universities in Cameroon in the fight against the coronavirus

Within the framework of the fight that he is waging against coronavirus, the Head of State, His Excellency Paul Biya, yesterday offered to Universities in Cameroon, a considerable stock of protective masks. This substantial donation was handed to the Minister of State, Minister of Higher Education by the Minister of Territorial Administration.
The consignments have been immediately conveyed by officials of the Ministry of Higher Education to the towns that host universities in Cameroon. The statutory recipients are the following: the eight State Universities, the Panafrican University, the Congo-Cameroon Inter-States University in Sangmelima, the African Institute of Mathematical Sciences based in Limbe, the African Institute for Computer Sciences (lAI), the four higher education schools with special status ( National Advanced school of Public Works, National Institute of Youth and Sports, National Advanced School of Post, Telecommunication and Information and Communication Technology, the Nautical Arts and Fisheries Institute in Limbe), many lay and confessional Institutes of private higher education found over the entire territory.
On behalf of the national university community, the Minister of State, Minister of Higher Education is thanking the Head of State, His Excellency Paul Biya, for this lofty and illustrious action, depicting once again, his unflinching determination to combat, with everyone and for all, the Coronavirus in our country and preserve the lives of Cameroonians.