Circular letter of March 21, 2020 relating to preventive and control measures against Coronavirus (COVID-19) in the Higher Education system

The Minister of State, Minister of Higher Education to:
- Ladies and Gentlemen Heads of Public University Institutions;
- The Rector of the Pan African University;
- The Coordinator of the Inter-State Congo-Cameroon University;
- Ladies and Gentlemen Heads of Public Higher Education Establishments with a special status (ENSTP, INJS, SUP’PTIC, LINAFI);
- The Coordinator of the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences;
- Ladies and Gentlemen Promoters of Private Higher Education Institutes;
- Ladies and Gentlemen Responsibles of the Central Services of MINESUP.
Following the measures taken by the Government to prevent and fight against the coronavirus (COVID-19), upon the Very High Instructions of His Excellency Paul BIYA, President of the Republic, Head of State and made public by the Prime Minister, Head of the Government, during his solemn declaration of March 17, 2020,
And in keeping with the resolutions taken during the working session I presided over at MINESUP last Friday, March 20, 2020, in your effective and constructive presence,
I have the honor to ask you to take the following measures in all the Higher Education Institutions under your responsibility: Download the Circular Letter