Press release : Audience MINETAT/MINESUP to the Rector of AUF

The Minister of State, Minister of Higher Education, Chancellor of Academie Orders, Professor Jacques FAME NDONGO, informs the national and international University community, that he received in audience on July 9, 2019, Professor Jean-Paul de GAUDEMAR, Rector of the Francophonie University Agency (AUF). During the audience, we revisited the state of relations between the Ministry of Higher Education and the Francophonie University Agency after which we committed ourselves to carry out the following projects of common interest:
1 – ERASMUS+, Concrete and Technical Learning Proçram for Entrepreneurship (PACTE). This initiative is complementary to the programs already implemented in Cameroonian universities (the Bachelor-Master-Doctorate system, the professionalization of teaching, business incubators, the Cameroonian Student Genius and Talent Exhibition Show (GETEC)) and aims systematically at integrating the entrepreneurial spirit into training programs.
2 – IDNEUF, which is an initiative of the International Organization of the Francophonie (OIF), implemented by Francophonie University Agency of the (AUF), culminating in the digital development in the Francophone University Space.
3 – DIGITAL ATLAS OF CENTRAL AFRICAN RESEARCHERS. This important instrument should contribute to a better visibility of Cameroonian researchers and their productions, fruits of the Special Grant for the Modernization of University Research instituted by the Head of State.
The Minister of State, Minister of Higher Education is cognizant of the very high instructions of the Head of State, His Excellency Paul BIYA who, after the donation of 500 000 computers to students of public and private Universities, prescribed the construction of ten (10) University Digital Development Centers at the Ministry of Higher Education, in the eight (08) State Universities and in the Inter-State Cameroon-Congo University in Sangmelima.
The construction of these University Digital Development Centers is completed in the following institutions : the Ministry of Higher Education, the University of Yaounde I, the University of Yaounde II and the University of Douala.
The project is ongoing in the following Universities: the University of Bamenda, the University of Buea, the University of Dschang, the University of Maroua, the University of Ngaoundere and the Inter-State Cameroon-Congo University in Sangmelima. Download the press release