Final press release of the University Coordination Commission (UCC), session of april 11, 2018

The Minister of Higher Education, Chancellor of Academic Orders, chaired a session of the University Coordination Commission (CCU) on April 11, 2018 as from 9:00 am at the Conference room of the Higher Teacher Training College of the University of Yaounde I. Created by decree N°93/027 of January 19, 1993 to lay down common provisions applicable to Universities, the University Coordination Commission is mainly responsible for examining all the problems of Public Higher Education Institutions.
Taking part in this working session were, the representative of the Prime Minister’s Office, Vice Chancellors and Rectors, representatives of MINFOPRA, MINESEC, MINFI, MINRESI and MINEPAT, as well as senior officials of the Ministry of Higher Education.
The session was opened by observing a minute of silence in memory of Professor Dominique MVOGO, former Pro-Chancellor of the University of Bamenda, and former Secretary General of the Ministry of Higher Education. The Minister of Higher Education then used the opportunity during his speech to reiterate that holding this meeting regularly is a reflection of the dynamism of the Higher Education System and the shared desire they all have to build a quality educational system, which is competitive, innovative and able to produce qualified human capital to support the growth and ensure the emergence of Cameroon. He went on to salute with deep respect the special donation of 500 000 computers to students of national institutions of Higher Education by H.E. Paul BIYA, President of the Republic, Head of State, as part of his University Digital Development Policy. He closed his speech by welcoming the densification and diversification of Cameroon’s university map thanks to the creation by the Head of State of new establishments which now cover ail the ten regions of our country.
At the end of frank and constructive exchanges on items on the agenda, the following resolutions were adopted:
1. The University Coordination Commission invites all Heads of University Institutions to scrupulously respect the provisions of Decree n°2005/383 of 17 October 2005 and other laws or regulations setting financial rules applicable to universities, notwithstanding the constraints they face on the field.
2. The University Coordinating Commission asks Rectors and Vice Chancellors to invite via the Minister of Higher Education and the competent Ministers (Finance on the one hand, Economy, Planning and Regional Development, on the other hand) at the next session of the Conference of Heads of Public University Institutions, the Director General of Budget, the Director General of Treasury, the Director General of Taxes and the Director General of the Economy, to find means and ways ta reconcile budgetary procedures and the imperatives of transparent management. For this purpose, it was decided that the agenda of the next session of the University Coordination Commission shall focus essentially on the financial management rules of Public University Institutions.
3. The University Coordination Commission invites the Heads of University Institutions ta make proposais concerning the legal framework of the Annexes of certain faculties in order ta facilitate their smooth functioning. ln addition, they are invited ta contact the Minister of
Finance, through the Minister of Higher Education ta solicit direct subsidies ta support the proper operation of these Annexes.
4. The University Coordination Commission recommends that State Universities accelerate the biometric registration of students regularly enrolled in Private Institutes of Higher Education for which they provide academic supervision, for the 2016/2017 academic year ta ensure their eligibility ta the special gift of 500 000 computers of the President of the Republic, Head of State, and report any difficulties encountered to the Minister.
5. After the presentations by the President of the National Federation of University Sports (FENASU) and the Rector of the University of Maroua on the orqanization of the university games in Maroua, the Minister of Higher Education congratulated and encouraged them, and instructed them to take all necessary measures for the proper conduct of the said games, scheduled to take place in Maroua from May 04 to 11, 2018.
At the end of the working session, the Minister of Higher Education, Chancellor of the Academic Orders, congratulated participants for their fruitful contributions and urged them to continue their actions 50 as to optimally fulfill the missions assigned to the Higher Education System through the New University Governance Policy prescribed by H.E. Paul BIYA, President of the Republic, Head of State, and implemented by the Prime Minister, Head of Government.
The 2018 session of the University Coordination Commission ended with the word of gratitude expressed by participants to H.E. Paul BIYA, President of the Republic, Head of State, for his very high and constant attention always manifested to the entire university community. Download the press release