avril 12, 2018



Le Ministre de l’Enseignement Supérieur, Chancelier des ordres Académiques, Président de la Commission Nationale d’Évaluation des formations dispensées à l’étranger, invite les personnes ci-après, à se présenter au Ministère de l’Enseignement Supérieur, Sous-Direction des Equivalences, pour affaire les concernant. Il s’agit :

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Final press release of the University Coordination Commission (UCC), session of april 11, 2018

The Minister of Higher Education, Chancellor of Academic Orders, chaired a session of the University Coordination Commission (CCU) on April 11, 2018 as from 9:00 am at the Conference room of the Higher Teacher Training College of the University of Yaounde I. Created by decree N°93/027 of January 19, 1993 to lay down common provisions applicable to Universities, the University Coordination Commission is mainly responsible for examining all the problems of Public Higher Education Institutions.
Taking part in this working session were, the representative of the Prime Minister’s Office, Vice Chancellors and Rectors, representatives of MINFOPRA, MINESEC, MINFI, MINRESI and MINEPAT, as well as senior officials of the Ministry of Higher Education.