Competitive entrance examination into Master of INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION, HUMANITARIAN ACTION AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT, in partnership with Dipartimento di lngegnera Civile, Edile e Ambientale de l’UniversitàdegliStudi di Padova (Dip. ICEA) at the International Relations Institute of Cameroon (IRIC) of the University of Yaounde Il, for the 2017-2018 academie year.


The selection test for admission of 90 (ninety) candidates into the Master of International Cooperation. Humanitarian Action and Sustainable Development will be based 0n the three specializations offered (lnternational Cooperation and Decentralized Cooperation for Development, Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Action, Environmental Management and Sustainable Development) in partnership with the Dipartimento di IngegneraCivile, Edile e Ambientale de l’UniversitàdegliStudi di Padova (DIP. ICEA) at the International Relations lnstitute of Cameroun(IRIC) for the 2017-2018 academie year. The examination shall take place in the unique centre of Yaoundé. The selection shall take place on 19 Septembre 2017, in unique centre of Yaoundé.

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