Press release
The 9th session of the National Commission for Medical, Pharmaceutical and Ondontostomatological Training in Cameroon (CNFMP) will be held by visioconference on Tuesday 25th May 2021 as from 10 am prompt at the Ministry of Higher Education, door 1036.
This Commission which was set up on 10th June 2013 by the Prime Minister, Head of State is in charge of giving its technical opinionon the quality of training of health professional in public and private university institutions authorized to offer medical training in Cameroon. It is chaired by the Minister of State, Minister of Higher Education while the Minister of Public Health is the vice-chairperson. The Commission brings together the following senior officials:
- The representative of the Prime Minister’s Office;
- The representatives of Ministries concerned with medical training notably the Ministries of Higher Education, Public Health, Public Service, Finance, Economy, Planning and Regional Development;
- The representatives of State Universities and public and private medical training institutions;
- The representatives of National orders of health professionals (medical doctors, pharmacists, odontostomatologists);
- The representatives of World Health Organization (WHO), International Conference of Deans of French-speaking Faculties of Medicine (CIDMEF) and the World Federation for Medical Education (WFME).
During the deliberations of this session, members of the National Commission for Medical, Pharmaceutical and Odontostomatological Training will consider the level of advancement in implementing the resolutions adopted at the 8th session, the balance sheet of the 2020-2021 national examinations as well as preparations for the 2021-2022 session of national medical training examinations.