The Institute of International Relations of Cameroon (IRIC) Celebrates its 50th Anniversary

The Minister of State, Minister of Higher Education, took part in the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Institute of International Relations of Cameroon (IRIC) on the campus of this prestigious school, this 28 June 2022. The Minister of External Relations, Lejeune MBELLA MBELLA, Personal Representative of the President of the Republic, His Excellency Paul BIYA, presided over the ceremony. The presence of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Gabonese Republic at this ceremony expressed, if necessary, the international character of this majestic establishment.
During this historic event, the Academic Palm Trophy was awarded to Professor Jacques FAME NDONGO, Minister of State, Minister of Higher Education. In his speech, he praised the work of IRIC, which, during fifty years, has trained 10,000 people, including 7,800 Cameroonians and 2,200 foreigners, thus making them professionals in international relations, who have become Ministers, Ambassadors, Senior international officials, Heads of academic institutions, among others.


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