août 6, 2019

Communiqué portant publication des résultats de l’examen national du Diplôme Supérieur d’Etudes Professionnelles (DSEP),session de Avril-Juin 2019

Communiqué portant publication des résultats de l’examen national du Diplôme Supérieur d’Etudes Professionnelles (DSEP),session de Avril-Juin 2019

Le Ministre de l’Enseignement Supérieur communique :
Le candidats dont les noms suivent , classés par spécialité / option et par ordre de mérite, sont déclarés définitivement admis à l’Examen National du Diplôme Supérieur d’Etudes Professionnelles (DSEP) , session de Avril-Juin 2019.
Spécialité / Option : Banque  Bâtiment Expertise Comptable ; Finance-Comptabilité  ; Génie Informatique ; Histoire ; Imagerie Médicale ; Kinésithérapie  ;  Maintenance du Matériel Biomédical ; Marketing Commerce Vente ; Mathématiques ; Ressources Humaines ; Sage femme ; Soins Infirmiers ; Techniques de Laboratoire Médical ; Télécommunications et Réseaux ; Travaux Publics.

Press release to publishing results of the april-june 2019 session of the Higher Professional Diploma (HPD)

Press release to publishing results of the april-june 2019 session of the Higher Professional Diploma (HPD)

The Minister of Higher Education hereby announces:
The candidates, whose names appear below in order of merit, have been declared successful in the April-June 2019 session of the Higher Professional Diploma (HPD) Examination, in the specialties and options indicated hereafter.
Speciality /Option : Dental Therapy ;   Human Resources  ; Medical Diagnostic Imaging and Radiation Therapy  ;  Midwifery  ;  Nursing ;   Pharmacy Technology  ;  Physiotherapy.

Press Release to publishing results of the April-June 2019 session of the Higher National Diploma (HND)

Press Release to publishing results of the April-June 2019 session of the Higher National Diploma (HND)

The Minister of Higher Education hereby announces:
The candidates, whose names appear below in order of merit, have been declared successful in the April-June 2019 session of the Higher National Diploma (HND) Examination, in the fields of study, specialties and options indicated hereafter.

  • Field: Agropastoral and rural production

Speciality/Option: Agropastoral Adviser ; Crop production technology Building Construction and Rural Road ; Supply of Potable water and  Hydroagricultural Arrangement ; Management of the Farm Entreprise.

  • Field :  Business , Finance and Management

Speciality/Option : AccountancyBanking and management ; Executive Secretarial studies ; Insurance ; Logistics and Transport Management ; Management ;   Marketing  ; Shipping management.

  • Field : Engineering and Technology

Speciality/Option : Agricultural  engineering ; Food Technology (FT) ; Chemical Engineering ; Civil Engineering Design ; Urban Planning and Surveying ; Hardware maintenance ; Software Engineering and Computing ; Electrical Power Systems ; Information and Communication Technology ; Telecommunications ; Mechanical Fabrication ; Petro-logistic ; Petrochemical engineering ; Petroleum engineering ; Wood Work.

  • Field :  Home Economics Tourism and Hotel Management

Speciality/Option : Bakery and Food Processing ; Fashion,Clothing and Textiles ; Food Management and Catering ; Hospitality Management  ; Travel agency, tourism and Operation Management.

  • Field: Journalism and Media

Speciality/Option : Print Journalism ; Health Care Management.

  • Field: Medical and Biomedical Sciences

Speciality/Option : Medical Laboratory Studies (HND) ; Midwifery  (HND) ; NursingPhamacy technology  ;  Ultra sonography.

  • Field : Teaching Education and Professional Development

Speciality/Option : Didactics,education planning and curriculum development.