Order concerning the launch of a competitive entrance examination, into the third year of the Faculty of Industrial Engineering (FGI) Initial Formation 1 of the University of Douala, and to fix the number of places available for the academic year 2019/2020

The Minister of State, Minister of Higher Education orders :
Article 1 : The competitrve entrance examination for admission of one hundred eighty (180) students into the third year of the Faculty of Industrial Engineering of the University of Douala for the 2019/2020 academic year has been launched. Each department will be open to Twenty (20) students : Technology ofIndustrial Design ; Hygiene-Security and Industrial Safety ; Industrial Fishery / Maritirne Engineering ; Automobile Technology; Telecommunication and Information Technology and Communication ; Civil Engineering ; Industrial Robotics Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Processing Engineering.    Download the order   ;    Télécharger l’arrêté

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