The Unit for the Fight against Corruption and Promotion of Ethics in Higher Education

The fundamental mission that the State assigns to Higher Education in Law No. 005 of 16 April 2001 on the orientation of higher education is the production, organization and dissemination of scientific, cultural, professional and ethical knowledge for the development of the nation and the progress of humanity. This mission leads to the setting of research objectives of excellence in all areas of knowledge; The promotion of science, culture and social progress; Social advancement, with the participation of competent national structures and socio – professional circles, in particular as regards the definition of programs and the organization of theoretical lessons, practical work and placements; Support for development activities; The training and development of cadres, and the strengthening of the ethical and national consciousness. As such, the fight against corruption and the promotion of ethics are among the priorities of the Ministry of Higher Education. For example, in 2005, the Minister of Higher Education created by Order No. 05/0052 of 02 March 2005 a Unit for the Fight against Corruption and Promotion of Ethics (CCLPE) in Higher Education.

The missions devolved to this structure are: (suite…)