Press release to publish the final results of the Competitive Entrance Examination into the First Year of the First Cycle of the Higher Teachers’ Training College (HTTTC) of the University of Buea in Kumba for the 2019-2020 academic year / Communiqué portant admission définitive des candidats au concours d’entrée en 1ere année du 1er Cycle de l’ENSET de l’Université de Buea à Kumba, au titre de l’année académique 2019-2020.

The Minister of State, Minister of Higher Education anoonouces announces :
Subject to the presentation of the originals o.f the required diplomas, the candidates whose names appear below have been admitted into the First Year of the First Cycle of the Higher Technical Teachers’ Training College (HTTTC) of the University of Buea in Kumba, for the 2019/2020 academic year. They are :    Download the press release

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