Press release

The  Minister  of  State,  Minister  of  Higher  Education,  informs  the university community,  that the procedure  of the treatment  of files for the  payment  of  the allowance  for  the  Modernization  of  University Research  granted  to  Teachers-Researchers  of State  Universities  by the Head of State, for the 4 th  quarter  of the 2018 financial  year and the  lst quarter  of the 2019 financial  year,  is being completed  by the competent  services  of  the  Ministry  of  Finance.  Such  payments  by bank transfer  and/or over the counter  shall be made according to a schedule which will be communicated  as soon  as  possible  by the relevant services of MINFI referred  to above.
Consequently,  I ask members  of the University  community  to carry on with their activities  in  serenity.    Download the press release

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