In order to diligently implement the Very High Instructions of the Head of State, His Excellency Paul BIYA, relating to fostering academic excellence at the highest level in universities,
The Minister of State, Minister of Higher Education, hereby invites the Accounting Officers on duty in the eleven (11) State Universities and designated paying agents, to corne and collect as soon as possible, the documents made available to them for the effective payment of the academic excellence grant awarded by the Head of State to outstanding students in Cameroon universities for the 2021-2022 academic year, from the MINESUP-MINDCAF Specialised Pay Office of MINFI and from the competent services of his Ministry located respectively on the 4th and 10th floors of the ministerial building N° 2.
The above-mentioned operations, which shall take place following the release of the necessary funds by the Minister of Finance, shall be carried out in accordance with the schedulesagreed upon by the Vice-Chancellors, Rectors and Heads of Private Institutions of Higher Education./-

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