Final communique of the 28th session of the National Commission of Private Higher Education

The Minister of State, Minister of Higher Education, Chancellor of Academic Orders, informs the public that the 28 Session of the National Commission for Private Higher Education was held this Friday 26 of August 2022 in room, l036 of his Ministerial department, under the Chairmanship of Professor Bikoi Felix Nicodéme, President of the said body.  During this session which examined. among others, the applications for the Creation, Opening, extension of fields of studies, recognition of fields of studies and approval of Private Higher Education Institutions.  important resolutions were taken namely: download the presse

  1. The technical services or Minesup will have to initiate, at short notice. a revision of the texts governing Private Higher Education in order to update and adapt them to the suggestions of various training partners.
  2. A National forum on Private Higher Education will be organized on the 8 and 9 September 2022 in order to create interaction between Promoters. Public Administrators. Parents and Socio-professionals.
  3. A session of the sub-commission of evaluation and ethics at the National Commission of Private Higher Education will be organised within three months in order to evaluate the state of execution of the formal notice pronounced against some PHEIs.

 In addition, cases of dysfunction of certain institutions were examined at this Commission. After deliberations by the members of the Committee, the sanctions below were proposed and approved by the Minister of State:

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