
The Minister of State, Minister of Higher Education announces to the general public and prospective applicants that the Slovak Republic, under the National Scholarship Programme, is offering Masters and Ph.D. scholarships for the 2022-2023 academic year. This programme offers masters and Ph.D scholarships at different universities in Slovakia. Applicants must have secured admission in any university in Slovakia before they can benefit from this scholarship.
The following documents are required : A curriculum vitae ;  Motivation letter;  Detailed study programme ;  Two recommendation letters issued by applicant’s university teachers;  Confirmation issued by the applicants home university confirming that the applicant is a regular student of the respective university at the time of applying; Scans of applicant’s bachelor’s diploma, other related diploma and state examination certificate ; Admission/invitation letter issued by applicant’s host university in Slovakia indicating the duration of the scholarship.
For more information on the scholarship, candidates should visit the following website: For further inquiries, candidates can also contact the following: Tel: +421/2/59 30 47 00, Fax: +421/2/59 30 47 01.   Download the press release

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